RICHMOND FRINGE FESTIVALThis culture & arts event is a boutique sized, multi-vector, curated, profit sharing festival aiming to cross pollinate people in Richmond, Virginia.
It is shepherded by the local creative haus, SPECTACLE & MIRTH. This endeavor, aims to foster the resilient creative spirit of the city amidst its many transformations. To further cultivate the city's fertile ground for experimentation in performance & mutual aid. To bring more voices & hearts together. Why Curated? Richmond Fringe wants to discern those who are in readiness to present & willing to push conversations forward. We do not sit in judgement of you or your work’s value. #wemakeourownlight @Richmond_Fringe_Fest |
Festival Overview
Type of FestivalCurated & profit sharing.
Proud Member of The World Fringe Network |
About our AudienceLocals, mostly aged 18-60
Festival Stats
Artist Information
How Artists are AcceptedCurated from submissions
Benefits of ApplyingBilleting for out of towners, free family style food all festival days for participants, all access passes to the fest at large, limited comps for your own shows, awards
Costs and DealsApplication Fee: $20
Productions Fees: $50-100 total Scholarships available Marketing package provided for artist use |
Tech InformationOur venues change, but we provide a technician, basic light set up and basic sound amplification.
Performance Schedule4 Sizes of work accepted:
Single cabaret acts or solo immersive Mid sized: up to 30 minutes for placement in our live double features. Long form up to 75 min Rolling: games, installations, or immersive work that takes up more time or multiple days. |
OtherWe have markets, workshops, special programming like flash mobs & funerals, public art, after parties every night, a FringeHQ and tracks for gaming and immersive work.
RICHMOND, VIRGINAScattered around the neighborhoods that make up the city. You will need a car - public transport is not reliable.
A central FringeHQ serves as a hang space all days of the festival. For Touring artists: Atlanta Fringe is 8 hours south Asheville Fringe is 6 hours south Capital Fringe is 2.5 hours north Philly Fringe is 5 hours north Pittsburgh Fringe is 6 hours north |
Important Dates for this Fringe
Festival DatesSecond weekend of April
April 12-14, 2024 |
Application DatesNovember -December
Other Important DatesOffers go out first week of January
Production fees are due March 1 Tech runs are Friday- Sunday April 11-13 |
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