Rogue FestivalRogue Festival champions the gritty, got-something-to-say outlook of the independent performer and Fresno, California's Tower District. By connecting art, artist, and audience in a non-curated, non-adjudicated fringe festival every year, Rogue Festival honors those who speak their truth, challenge the status quo, and perform audaciously – creating a distinctly forward-thinking culture as it goes along.
Founded in 2002, Rogue has run uninterrupted since its inception. |
Festival Overview
Type of FestivalRogue Festival consists of 6 regular venues operated by the Festival and 1-2 BYOVs ("Off-Rogue Venues"), all within eight square blocks in Fresno's Tower District. Runs two weekends, Fri-Sun and Thur - Sat with several free and community events during the week. Rogue Festival is known for its friendly, hometown atmosphere and casual nature. A low-pressure, off-season festival, perfect for testing new material. Welcomes theater, dance, spoken word, acoustic music, physical theater, comedy, etc.
About our AudienceRogue Festival's audiences value the new, the gritty, and the unique. They love to meet performers after shows and are known for their friendliness and openness toward handbilling and new and unusual shows.
Rogue does not, however, market toward family or children's audiences. We're geared toward entertainment for ages 16 and up. |
Festival StatsLength of Festival: 9 Days in 2018
Number of Productions: 45 in 2018 Overall Performances: 250 in 2018 Number of Performance Spaces: 7 in 2018 Ticket Price Range: $7-$12 in 2018 Unique visitors: 3000 on average |
Artist Information
How Artists are AcceptedShows are selected by lottery.
Mainstage Out-of-Town Lottery Mainstage Local Lottery Cafe Out-of-Town Lottery Cafe Local Lottery. Slots are 50/50 Out-of-Town and Local overall. |
Benefits of ParticipatingAwards System: Sold Out Awards only
Reviews Situation: Audience reviews on website (moderated). Local bloggers. Billeting Situation: We offer billeting, but cannot guarantee for all. Have a backup. Artist Comp Policy: Performer badges are comped after all paid audience is seated. Artists may designate a list of comps for their individual shows. Free Meet n Greet, Wrap Party. |
Costs and DealsApplication Fee: $35 non-refundable
Production Fee : $170 - $575, depending on size and style of venue. Box Office % to Artist: 100% box office receipts. Other fees: Optional Hangover Breakfast on day after Festival Close: $5 donation. Average Payout: $1088.00 Ticket Prices: $12 top price for mainstage. $7 top price for Cafes. Artist can set price up to the maximum. |
Venue DivisionsThree tiers of venues (not including the BYOVs)
Mainstage: Seats 50 - 80. Small stage or black-box spaces in an art school, a dance school, and a music academy. Basic tech: General light wash, one special. Light and sound board. One technician provided. Prefer a maximum of 50 cues, combined. 90 minute tech rehearsal provided, scheduled in week prior to festival. Cost: $475-$575 depending upon seating capacity. Cafe: Seats 40-50. No tech provided other than a mic and a PA. No more than room lighting provided. Usually spaces in art galleries or meeting rooms. Fee: $170. Cafe Plus: Seats 70. Patio space, cabaret style seating. Mic and PA only. Patio of a restaurant/bar, so alcohol and food are available for audience. Good for acoustic music and comedy. $270. |
Performance ScheduleFestival schedule:
Cafe shows: 45 min max. 30 minutes in between each show. Set up and tear down 15 minutes each. |
OtherRogue Festival is an all-volunteer organization and has been since its beginnings in 2002.
60% of our total operating budget goes to the artists for their payouts. Another 30% toward community activities. Only 10% of our operating budget goes towards overhead like keeping the lights on and the phones working. |
Fresno, CaliforniaRogue Festival
710 Van Ness Ave, Ste 187 Fresno, CA 93721 Fresno has a city population of 500,000 and a metro population of over 1,000,000. We're a hard-working, no-frills sort of city where someone's chutzpah to get things done for themselves is valued. Tower District is the bohemian district and the central neighborhood for Rogue Festival. |
Important Dates for this Fringe
2019 - Current Year
Festival DatesMarch 1 - 9, 2019
Application DatesSwitched to a Lottery system for 2018.
Applications: Opened September 30 Application Deadline: October 6. |
Other Important DatesFull application information and dates are listed on our website by September 1.
2018 - Past Year for Perspective
Festival DatesMarch 2 - 10, 2018
Application DatesApplications Opened:
October 1 Application Deadline: October 12 @ 6pm PST. Lottery Drawing: October 14 @ 10am PST |
Other Important DatesFull application information and dates are listed on our website by September 1.
2020 - Future Year
Festival DatesTo be announced
Application DatesApplications Open: To Be Announced
Application Deadline: To Be Announced |
Other Important Dates |
Past Festivals
Contact Us:Email Address: [email protected]
Physical Mailing Address Rogue Festival 710 Van Ness – Ste 187 Fresno CA 93721 Phone or Text: 559-258-1735 (As we are an all-volunteer organization and we spend time at our day jobs, please give us up to a week to respond to general inquiries. Thanks!) |
Follow us on our Social Media: |