Festival Overview
Type of FestivalThe San Francisco Fringe Festival is produced by EXIT Theatre, an indie theater company founded in 1983. The SF Fringe is presented at three of the theaters in the EXIT Theatre multiplex, ranging in size from 37 seats to 80 seats. Applications are available on the Fringe website from December through mid-February when 21 indie theater companies are selected through a lottery. Each theater company gets four performances in their venue of choice and receives 100% of the ticket sales.
About our AudienceThe audience is an indie theater audience, willing to take risks and generally supportive of the performers. Many of the audience members know someone performing in the festival or heard about the performance from a friend.
Festival StatsThe San Francisco Fringe Festival is a mature, small fringe festival. We present 84 performances by 21 indie theater companies over 9 days. We have an audience of a few thousand people and performers earn a total of about $30,000.
Artist Information
How Artists are AcceptedArtist apply on line and are selected by lottery.
Benefits of ApplyingPerformers receive four performances in an equipped, professionally staffed theater including a technician and basic theater lighting and sound systems. Ticket sales and box office are handled by the festival.
Costs and DealsApplicants pay a $40 fee to apply to the festival. Artists selected in the lottery to perform in the festival pay a performance fee of $550 for the 37 seat theater, $600 for the 49 seat theater, or $750 for the 80 seat theater. For this performance fee they receive four performances in the venue of their choice.
Tech InformationThe SF Fringe venues are all located in the EXIT Theatre multi-plex which also includes the EXIT cafe and the fringe hospitality/volunteer center. They are equipped with basic theatrical lighting and sound equipment. All of the venues are wheelchair accessible for the audience and the 37 seat and 49 seat theaters are also wheelchair accessible for performers.
Performance ScheduleShows must be 60 minutes or less. Most are 55-60 minutes in length. Performers get four performances. Shows are scheduled 30 minutes apart and performers have 15 minutes to load in before the show and 15 minutes to load out after the show. The house is open and audiences will be entering or exiting during the load in/load out periods. There is no storage for sets, props or costumes. Artists must be available to perform throughout the entire festival, which in 2020 runs from September 10 through September 19. The festival will take into account special needs during this time for religious holidays, family events, etc.
OtherThe San Francisco Fringe Festival is a small festival with a strong community feeling.
156 Eddy Street San Francisco, California 94102 San Francisco is a beautiful but expensive city. THEEXIT.ORG/FRINGE |
Important Dates for this Fringe
2020 - Current Year
Festival DatesSeptember 10th through September 19th, 2020
Application DatesDecember 1, 2019 through February 12, 2020.
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2019 - Past Year for Perspective
Festival Dates |
Application Dates |
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2021 - Future Year
Festival DatesSeptember 9, 2021 through September 18, 2021
Application DatesDecember 2020 to early mid February 2021
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