Fringe NameBlurb about the fringe festival here. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.
Select the button below. Write the name of the fringe for the button text. Add the link to your website. |
Festival Overview
Type of FestivalWalkable footprint? Features of this festival. Maybe Genre's covered. Free fringe events? What is interesting or unique about your festival from an audiences stand point?
About our AudienceChildren's Festival? Free Fringe Events? Is your audience older or younger? Large audience numbers or small? What type of shows are they looking for?
Festival StatsLength of Festival: ___ Days in 201_
Number of Productions: ____ in 201_ Overall Performances: ____ in 201_ Number of Performance Spaces: ___ in 201_ Ticket Price Range: $0-$15 in 201_ |
Artist Information
How Artists are AcceptedSelection method, Curated, uncurated, how shows are selected, etc. Percentage of local, national and international. Other selection breakdowns....
Benefits of ApplyingAwards System:
Reviews Situation: Billeting Situation: Artist Comp Policy: Bullet or paragraph - whichever serves your information better. |
Costs and DealsApplication Fee:
Production Fee : Box Office % to Artist: Other fees: Average Payout: $ |
Tech InformationQuick overview of what type of technical capabilities are available. This should be a way for artists to get a quick idea of whether or not the festival can accommodate their tech needs. If it is complicated, refer them to the correct webpage here.
Performance ScheduleDiscuss anything about average slot length and how many performances, or what the range of performances performers are likely to get. Any other restrictions or flexibility about these areas. Don't forget maximum and minimum show lengths, and mention minimum length of days you need to be there for.
OtherUse this spot to identify or mention anything that you want to mention that doesn't fit in anywhere else.
You can even retitle this section to whatever you want - this is a free for all section. |
City and State of FringeLocation Name
1345 Main St San Francisco, CA Chat a little about the city maybe?? Below is a place to link to your website. Change the text to your actual website. THEN select it, hit the link icon, select website URL, insert actual URL. Erase these directions and chat about your city here. WEBSITEADDRESS.ORG |
Important Dates for this Fringe
2018 - Current Year
Festival DatesTo Be Announced
Application DatesApplications Open: To Be Announced
Application Deadline: To Be Announced |
Other Important DatesList other important Dates for that year here.
2017 - Past Year for Perspective
Festival DatesWas...
Application DatesApplications Open: Was...
Application Deadline: Was... |
Other Important DatesList other important past dates here.
2019 - Future Year
Festival DatesTo Be Announced
Application DatesApplications Open: To Be Announced
Application Deadline: To Be Announced |
Other Important DatesList other important future dates here.
Past Festivals
Links to downloads of old festival programs for artists to research what has happened in the past. Or to any archival sites or links. If you don't have anything here, you can delete this section.